Design and development of a torque sensor based assisted bicycle mid-mount system

Design and development of a torque sensor based assisted bicycle mid-mount system

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  • Time of issue:2022-10-24 17:07
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(Summary description)       In mechanical drive systems, torque is a fundamental parameter reflecting the performance of the system [1]. The use of appropriate torque measurement devices to measure and control torque online and in real time is of great importance to ensure the stable operation of the entire system. The majority of current electric bicycles are driven by hub motors, which are placed at the front or rear wheels of the vehicle, causing the centre of gravity to lean forward or backward, which is not in line with people's riding style, and the speed of the vehicle is completely dependent on the handlebar control, which is a major traffic hazard. At the same time, the hub-type mechanical structure also makes installation and maintenance more difficult, which invariably increases the cost and failure rate of the e-bike. A mid-mounted control system frees the drive motor from the front and rear wheels. Instead of a hub motor, it uses a high-speed DC brushless motor, which is mounted on the bike's centre axle. The mid-mounted control system integrates torque sensing and motor control, eliminates the turnbuckle controller and innovatively controls the motor drive force by collecting the magnitude of human pedal force and the frequency and direction of human pedal, the greater the torque, the greater the drive force, which has excellent riding effect and will definitely become the development direction of electric bicycle. The mid-mounted system designed in this paper revolves around two key technologies: the torque sensor and the vector controller. The torque sensor uses wireless technology and strain gauge technology; the vector controller uses Microchip's dsPIC30F6010A as the main chip, Hall sensor ACS712 as the current sensor and Fairchild's FAN7888 as the driver for the MOS tube. This paper not only designs the hardware of the torque sensor and FOC vector controller, but also the software system based on the hardware design. The software system includes the torque sensor program, the main program of the FOC controller, Ia, Ib current sampling, Clark, Park conversion and inverse conversion programs.

Design and development of a torque sensor based assisted bicycle mid-mount system

(Summary description) 

     In mechanical drive systems, torque is a fundamental parameter reflecting the performance of the system [1]. The use of appropriate torque measurement devices to measure and control torque online and in real time is of great importance to ensure the stable operation of the entire system. The majority of current electric bicycles are driven by hub motors, which are placed at the front or rear wheels of the vehicle, causing the centre of gravity to lean forward or backward, which is not in line with people's riding style, and the speed of the vehicle is completely dependent on the handlebar control, which is a major traffic hazard. At the same time, the hub-type mechanical structure also makes installation and maintenance more difficult, which invariably increases the cost and failure rate of the e-bike. A mid-mounted control system frees the drive motor from the front and rear wheels. Instead of a hub motor, it uses a high-speed DC brushless motor, which is mounted on the bike's centre axle. The mid-mounted control system integrates torque sensing and motor control, eliminates the turnbuckle controller and innovatively controls the motor drive force by collecting the magnitude of human pedal force and the frequency and direction of human pedal, the greater the torque, the greater the drive force, which has excellent riding effect and will definitely become the development direction of electric bicycle. The mid-mounted system designed in this paper revolves around two key technologies: the torque sensor and the vector controller. The torque sensor uses wireless technology and strain gauge technology; the vector controller uses Microchip's dsPIC30F6010A as the main chip, Hall sensor ACS712 as the current sensor and Fairchild's FAN7888 as the driver for the MOS tube. This paper not only designs the hardware of the torque sensor and FOC vector controller, but also the software system based on the hardware design. The software system includes the torque sensor program, the main program of the FOC controller, Ia, Ib current sampling, Clark, Park conversion and inverse conversion programs.

  • Categories:FAQs
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  • Time of issue:2022-10-24 17:07
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     In mechanical drive systems, torque is a fundamental parameter reflecting the performance of the system [1]. The use of appropriate torque measurement devices to measure and control torque online and in real time is of great importance to ensure the stable operation of the entire system. The majority of current electric bicycles are driven by hub motors, which are placed at the front or rear wheels of the vehicle, causing the centre of gravity to lean forward or backward, which is not in line with people's riding style, and the speed of the vehicle is completely dependent on the handlebar control, which is a major traffic hazard. At the same time, the hub-type mechanical structure also makes installation and maintenance more difficult, which invariably increases the cost and failure rate of the e-bike. A mid-mounted control system frees the drive motor from the front and rear wheels. Instead of a hub motor, it uses a high-speed DC brushless motor, which is mounted on the bike's centre axle. The mid-mounted control system integrates torque sensing and motor control, eliminates the turnbuckle controller and innovatively controls the motor drive force by collecting the magnitude of human pedal force and the frequency and direction of human pedal, the greater the torque, the greater the drive force, which has excellent riding effect and will definitely become the development direction of electric bicycle. The mid-mounted system designed in this paper revolves around two key technologies: the torque sensor and the vector controller. The torque sensor uses wireless technology and strain gauge technology; the vector controller uses Microchip's dsPIC30F6010A as the main chip, Hall sensor ACS712 as the current sensor and Fairchild's FAN7888 as the driver for the MOS tube. This paper not only designs the hardware of the torque sensor and FOC vector controller, but also the software system based on the hardware design. The software system includes the torque sensor program, the main program of the FOC controller, Ia, Ib current sampling, Clark, Park conversion and inverse conversion programs.

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